Fund Finance Simplified
FundFin enables private markets funds and banks to streamline fund finance debt transactions and portfolio management.
Struggling with too many repetitive manual tasks? Our platform is purpose built for fund finance and private markets
Who It Is For
Private markets funds can access and collaborate with fund finance lenders. Manage your facilities and reporting.
Lawyers, debt advisors and fund administrators can improve processes. Improve execution speed for your clients.
Fund finance lenders can strengthen underwriting and risk management. Manage deals and automate workflows.
Track the progress and terms of all transactions in one place
Borrowing Base Preparation
Automate Borrowing Base preparation and updating to save 100+ hours of work
Term Sheet Negotiation
Negotiate term sheets more efficiently with customized grids
Legal Documents Review
Generate summary reports of key legal documents to save time and cost
Fee Tracker
Track all legal and other transaction fees
Quarterly Loan Reporting
Automate borrower reporting, drawdown request and covenants monitoring
FundFin Platform
Simple and easy to use to streamline transactions
Enhance underwriting, improve productivity, save costs
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